Project: PRJNA149387
The aim of this study was to characterize in vivo miRNA expression in normal myeloid development of the neutrophil granulocyte (granulopoiesis) to gain insight into miRNA control of these processes. Cell populations highly enriched in precursors from successive stages of granulopoiesis and mature neutrophils were isolated from bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) samples, respectively, from 4 healthy human donors. Total RNA was extracted from each cell population and subjected to miRNA gene expression profiling using miRCURYTM LNA microRNA Arrays Overall design: Total RNA from cell populations highly enriched in precursors from three succesive stages of neutrophil granulopoiesis and mature neutrophils isolated from bone marrow and peripheral blood, respectively, from four healthy donors (SKP, AJ, AO, JO). The three cell populations from bone marrow where extracted and named B3, B2, and B1, corresponding to immature (myeloblasts [MBs] and promyelocytes [PMs]); intermediate mature (myelocytes [MCs] and metamyelocytes [MMs]); and mature neutrophil cells (band cells [BCs] and segmented neutrophil cells [SCs]), respectively, as described in Bjerregaard MD, Jurlander J, Klausen P, Borregaard N, Cowland JB: The in vivo profile of transcription factors during neutrophil differentiation in human bone marrow. Blood 2003, 101: 4322-4332. In total, 16 samples were compared (4 cell maturation stages from 4 donors)