Project: PRJNA181085
The Tip60 (also known as Kat5) lysine acetyltransferase functions broadly as a transcriptional co-activator that acetylates histones. In contrast, Tip60 functions in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) both to silence genes that promote differentiation and to activate genes required for proliferation. The mechanism by which Tip60 functions as a repressor is unknown. Here we show that the class II histone deacetylase Hdac6 co-purifies with Tip60-p400 complex from ESCs and is necessary for complete silencing of most differentiation genes targeted by Tip60. In contrast to differentiated cells, where Hdac6 is mainly cytoplasmic and does not interact with Tip60, Hdac6 is largely nuclear in ESCs and neural stem cells (NSCs) and interacts with Tip60-p400 in both cell types. Hdac6 is enriched at promoters bound by Tip60-p400 in ESCs, but while Tip60 binds on both sides of transcription start sites (TSSs), Hdac6 binding overlaps with only the downstream Tip60 peak. Surprisingly, Hdac6 does not deacetylate histones at these sites, but rather is required for Tip60 binding. These data suggest that nuclear exclusion of Hdac6 during differentiation plays a major role in modulation of Tip60-p400 function. Overall design: We determined the genome-wide localization of Tip60 and Hdac6 in mouse ES cells, and examined genomic binding profiles of Tip60 and Hdac6 upon indicated knockdown by ChIP-seq. We examined genomic binding profiles of p400 upon indicated knockdown by ChIP-seq.
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