Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA195898

Condensins are multi-subunit protein complexes that regulate chromosome structure throughout cell-cycle. Metazoans contain two types of condensin complexes (I and II) with essential and distinct functions. In C. elegans a third type of condensin (IDC) functions as part of the X chromosome dosage compensation complex1,2. We mapped genome-wide binding sites of the three condensin types in C. elegans embryos. Characteristics of condensin binding are similar between condensin types. Overall design: ChIP-seq profiles of C. elegans subunits of the three condensins in 3-6 replicates from mixed stage embryos, controls are included, and RNA-Seq profiles of C. elegans in 5 replicates from mixed staged embryos. Additionally, ChIP-seq profiles of the condensin II subunit KLE-2 in 6 replicates from L3 with controls, and RNA-Seq profiles of KLE-2 mutants in 3 replicates each from L3.


