Project: PRJNA283229
Human medulloblastoma (MB) can be segregated into four major categories based on gene expression patterns: Hedgehog (HH) subtype, Wnt subtype, Group 3, and Group 4. However, they all exhibit strikingly different gene expression profiles from Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT). We re-analyzed published gene expression microarray dataset of pediatric brain tumors to identify a gene expression profile that clearly distinguished human AT/RT from human MB. We used this profile, choosing only genes that have clear murine orthologs, to compare tumors from Snf5F/Fp53L/LGFAP-Cre mice (in C57Bl/6 strain background) with MB from Ptc1+/- mice (in mixed C57Bl/6 and 129Sv strain background). Snf5F/Fp53L/LGFAP-Cre tumors are clearly very different from mouse MB and the markers that distinguish human AT/RT from human MB also distinguish the mouse tumors. Overall design: RNA extracted from 5 AT/RT and 5 medulloblastoma mouse tumors were analyzed using the Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 microarray platform.