Project: PRJNA288133
The goal of this study was to compare the transcriptome between wild type strain of Listeria monocytogenes and delete nmlR mutant strain of L. monocytogenes using NGS. Method: Duplicate samples of rRNA depleted RNA from wild type and mutants were used to study transcriptomes by ion torrent platform. Transcriptomes of wild type and nmlR mutant were compared by EDGE-pro program. Result: Differential expression by EDGE-pro showed 74 genes with differential expressions between wild type and nmlR null mutant (46 genes were negatively regluated and 28 genes were positively regulated by NmlR). Overall design: rRNA-depleted RNA samples from stationary phase wilde type and nmlR null mutant cultures were used to compare transcriptomes. Some affected genes from RNAseq result were selected for confirmation by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR.