Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA288475

Developing animal models representating the cancer biology of advanced prostate cancer patients is challenging but essential for delivering individualized medical therapies. In an effort to develop patient derived xenograft (PDX) models, we took the metastatic site tissue from the rib lesion twice (ie, before and after enzalutamide treatment) over a twelve week period and implanted subcutaneously and under the renal capsule in immuno-deficient mice. To characterize and compare the genome and transcriptome landscapes of patient tumor tissues and the corresponding PDX models, we performed whole exome and transcriptome sequencing for metastatic tumor tissue as well as its derived PDXs. We demonstrated the feasibility of developping PDX models from patient who developed castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Our data suggested PDX models preserve the patient’s genomic and transcriptomic alterations in high fidelity, as illustrated by somatic mutation, copy number variation, gene fusion and gene expression. Overall design: RNA sequencing of prostate cancer tumor tissue and derived xenograft using Illumina HiSeq 2000.
