Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA295076

Primary kidney PTECs gradually became senescent after a few passages, but SETD2 depletion prevented PTECs from senescence and maintained their proliferation beyond their limited dividing capacity. Transcriptional profiling of human PTECs, with comparing of SETD2 wild-type non-senescent PTECs at day 6 (WT-PTECs-day 6), SETD2 wild-type senescent PTECs at day 16 (WT-PTECs-day16), and SETD2 knockdown PTECs at day 25 (KD-PTECs-day 25). Overall design: Three PTECs of different origins were transduced with shRNA constructs against SETD2 (sh1 or sh2), or with a non-targeting sequence. Untreated and NT-shRNA transduced samples were harvest at day 6 and day 16 respectively, SETD2-KD shRNA transduced PTECs were harvest at day 25.
