Project: PRJNA356213
The intestinal epithelium is continuously regenerated by highly proliferative Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs). The existence of a population of quiescent ISCs has been suggested yet its identity and features remain controversial. Here we describe that the expression of the RNA-binding protein Mex3a labels a subpopulation of Lgr5+ cells that divide less frequently and contribute to regenerate all intestinal lineages with slow kinetics. Single cell transcriptomic analysis revealed two classes of Lgr5-high cells, one of them defined by the Mex3a-expression program and by low levels of proliferation genes. Lineage tracing experiments show that large fraction of Mex3a+ cell population is continuously recalled into the rapidly dividing self-renewing ISC pool in homeostatic conditions. Chemotherapy and radiation target preferentially rapidly dividing Lgr5+ cells but spare the Mex3a-high/Lgr5+ population, which helps sustain the renewal of the intestinal epithelium during treatment. Overall design: Single cell transcriptomes of 400 Lgr5+ murine small intestinal epithelial stem cells.