Project: PRJNA380210
The Lamiaceae family contains numerous diterpenoids, offering a valuable model system for the study of diterpenoid chemical diversity. In this study we report that the ent-kaurene diterpenoids in I. rubescens have the largest diTPS gene family identified in Lamiaceae. Three genes are predicted to be involved in ent-kaurene diterpenoid synthesis while another two KSL genes are functional enzymes utilizing ent-CPP as a substrate. We also showed the presence of a normal-CPP mediated biosynthesis pathway in I. rubescens and that three KSL genes possessing different domain architectures are involved in this pathway. This study provides new information regarding the understanding of diterpenoid chemical diversity and this compounds’ evolution in the Lamiaceae family. Overall design: RNA-seq of Isodon rubescens leaf tissue in Spring