Project: PRJNA408144
The type III secretion system (T3SS) is the main machinery for Pseudomonas syringae and other Gram-negative bacteria to invade plant cells. HrpR/HrpS heterodimer are key factors to activate HrpL which induces all T3SS genes by binding to a ‘hrp box’ in promoters. However, the molecular mechanisms of HrpRS on T3SS or non-T3SS genes have not been fully understood. Following by chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to high-throughput DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq), we found that HrpRSL had 8, 38, and 36 targets on the genome, respectively. HrpS directly bound to the promoter regions of T3SS genes (hrpK1, hrpA2 and hopAJ1) as well as a group of non-T3SS genes (PSPPH_1496, PSPPH_1525, PSPPH_3494 and PSPPH_3495). Subsequent biochemical and genetic assays showed that HrpS independently regulated these genes in a hrpL deletion strain. In addition, a HrpS-binding motif (GTGCCAAA) in the hrpL promoter was identified by truncation, which was verified by EMSA in vitro and lux-reporter assay in vivo. On the contrary, HrpR alone couldn’t activate hrpL. Overall, our results demonstrated that HrpS directly regulated a group of T3SS and non-T3SS genes, which is independent on HrpL. HrpS functions as the center of the regulatory cascade in T3SS. This work deciphered the key HrpRSL-T3SS regulatory network, which provides insights to develop new strategies to control P. syringae infection in the future. Overall design: ChIP-seq for HrpR, HrpS, and HrpL