Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA414773

The objective of the study is to caracherize the genes that are regulated by Srf in myoblasts at day 0 (J0) and in differentiated cells at day 1 (J1) and day 3 (J3). We used microarrays to investigate gene expression in Srf KO and Srf WT muscle cells at day 0 (J0), day 1 (J1) and day 3 (J3) of differentiation Overall design: Srf flox/flox muscle cells were transduced twice with adenoviruses Ad-GFP (Srf WT) and Ad-Cre-GFP (Srf KO. ). Two days after the first transduction, GFP-positive cells were sorted with BD FACSAriaIII and . Total mRNA were purified using Qiagen RNeasy minikit and DNAse treatment. The experiments were done in triplicate.
