Project: PRJNA419022
The TaiChi consortium consists of 6 studies that collaborated initially in a large scale metabochip study, and became an ongoing consortium for studies of cardiometabolic disease in the Chinese population in Taiwan. The six studies included the following: 1) SAPPHIRe (Stanford-Asian Pacific Program in Hypertension and Insulin Resistance), a family based study established in 1995 with an initial goal of identifying major genetic loci underlying hypertension and insulin resistance in East Asian populations, with Taiwan subjects participating in the TaiChi consortium; 2) TCAGEN (Taiwan Coronary Artery Disease GENetic), a cohort study that the enrolled patients undergoing coronary angiography or percutaneous intervention at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) in the setting of either stable angina pectoris or prior myocardial infarction; 3) TACT (TAiwan Coronary and Transcatheter intervention), a cohort study enrolled patients with angina pectoris... (for more see dbGaP study page.)