Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA448026

Mania is a serious neuropsychiatric condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Previous studies have suggested that environmental exposures can contribute to mania pathogenesis. We measured dietary exposures in a cohort of individuals with mania and other psychiatric disorders as well as in control individual without a psychiatric disorder. We found that a history of eating nitrated dry cured meat, but not other meat or fish products, was strongly and independently associated with current mania (adjusted odds ratio 3.49, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.24-5.45, p<8.97x 10-8). Lower odds of association were found between eating nitrated dry cured meat and other psychiatric disorders. We further found that the feeding of meat preparations with added nitrate to rats resulted in alterations in behavior and changes in intestinal microbiota. Rats fed diets with added nitrate also showed alterations of brain pathways dysregulated in mania. These findings may lead to new methods for preventing mania and for developing novel therapeutic interventions Overall design: A group of N=10 control Rats were fed a diet consisting of research diet AIN93M with 35% beef added (Chow+Beef), and another group of N=10 the same diet containing sodium nitrate at cocentration of 33/.9 mg/kg (Chow+Beef+Nitrate) . Following a period of 4 weeks the rats were euthenized and the hippocampus region of the brain was extracted, and RNA was isolated for microarray analysis comparing the two groups.
