Project: PRJNA451302
Celiac disease (CeD) is an intestinal immune-mediated disorder caused by gluten ingestion in genetically predisposed subjects. CeD is characterized by villous atrophy, altered intestinal permeability, crypt hyperplasia and innate and adaptive immune response. This study aimed to develop and validate the use of intestinal organoids from celiac patients to study CeD. A repository of organoids from duodenum of non-celiac and celiac patients was generated and characterized accordingly to standard procedures. RNA-seq analysis was employed to study the global gene expression program of CeD (n=3) and non-CeD (n=3) organoids sets. While the three celiac derived organoids shared similar transcriptional signatures the NC samples set appeared more heterogeneous. We found 486 genes differentially expressed between the two groups. Of them, 299 genes were downregulated (FC<2; FDR<0.05) and 187 were upregulated in CeD (FC >2; FDR<0.05). We observed CeD organoids had significantly altered expression of genes associated with barrier function, innate immunity, and stem cell function. Overall design: mRNA profiles of 3 non-celiac healthy controls and 3 celiac organoids derived from duodenal biopsies.