Project: PRJNA481660
To further understand different gene expression of Extramammary Paget disease skin and normal skin, we have employed whole skin microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify different genes with Extramammary Paget disease skin and normal skin.comparision with normal skin, upgene is 4572 in disease group, downgene is 6473. mTOR pathway, RAS pathway, PI3K-AKT pathway, IL6-JAK-Stat3 pathway and so on are activated, WNT Pathway is inhibited. Overall design: 3 normal human skin and 4 Extramammary paget disease scrotum skin were taken and Quickly put it into liquid nitrogen ,the samples were taken to lab with dry ice,RNA were extracted with trizol,Good quality RNA were explored as microarrary analysis in capitalBio technology.