Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA485687

The incidence of prostate disease is increasing, and some of this increase may be attributable to ancestral exposure to environmental toxicants and epigenetic transgenerational inheritance mechanisms. The goal of the current study was to determine the effects that exposure of gestating female rats to vinclozolin has on the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of prostate disease, and to characterize by what molecular epigenetic mechanisms this has occurred. Results indicate that there were changes in DNA methylation in both cell types. Overall design: Gestating female rats (F0 generation) were exposed to vinclozolin by daily injections during E8-E14 of gestation. F1 generation offspring were bred to produce the F2 generation, which were bred to produce the transgenerational F3 generation. Prostate epithelial and stromal cells were isolated from F3 generation from 20-day old rats, prior to the onset of disease, and used to obtain DNA for analysis. MeDIP-seq was used to characterize the methylation present in the cells.
