Project: PRJNA496398
We collected the mid-morning urine samples, and centrifuged at 2000g for ten minutes in order to remove cells and debris, and then stored in -80 degree refrigerator. we selected 2 samples per group for the microRNA arrays in the following four groups: normal control, IGT with renal impairment, diabetes, diabetic kidney disease. In IGT renal impairment group, we have found that the expression of two microRNAs were changed. Expression of mir-7977 and mir-5100 were quantified in an extended populations by real-time PCR and the result was consistent with the microRNA arrays. Therefore, mir-7977 and mir-5100 may be sensitive biomarkers for renal impairment in IGT patients. Overall design: Five samples were mixed and 2 mixed samples per group were selected for the microRNA arrays in the following four groups: normal control (S1.1_NS, S1.2_NS), IGT with renal impairment (S2.1_NS, S2.2_NS), diabetes (S3.1_NS, S3.2_NS), diabetic kidney disease (S4.1_NS, S4.2_NS).