Project: PRJNA497282
Ovariectomized BDNF Val66Met mice, a model that is genetically susceptible to stress, exhibited anxiety- and depression-like behavior when treated with estradiol when compared to wild type mice. Comparing ventral hippocampus of these mice with lymphoblastoid cell line cultures of control women and women with prementrual dysphoric disorder revealed common epigenetic biomarkers that transcend species and cell-type. Overall design: Examination of the effects of estradiol and a SNP in the ventral hippocampus of ovariectomized female mice and the translational similarities with healthy women and women diagnosed with PMDD. Human data is sourced from Dubey et al. 2017 (doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.229) and will not be apart of this upload. It can be accessed upon reasonable request to the authors VV/WT = Wild Type, VM/Het-Met = Heterozygous BDNF Val66Met , E2 = Estradiol, Veh = Vehicle, OVX = Ovariectomized