Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA560394

Clinical trials of high-dose androgen therapy for prostate cancer have shown promising efficacy but are limited by lack of criteria to identify likely responders. To elucidate factors that govern the growth-repressive effects of high-dose androgens we applied an unbiased integrative approach utilizing genetic screens and transcriptional profiling of prostate cancer cells with or without demonstrated phenotypic sensitivity to androgen-mediated growth repression. Through this comprehensive analysis, we identified genetic events and related signaling networks that determine the response to both high-dose androgen and androgen withdrawal. We applied these findings to develop a gene signature that may serve as an early indicator of treatment response and identify men with tumors amenable to high dose androgen therapy. Overall design: RNA sequencing of human prostate tumor cell lines using Illumina TruSeq Library prep and sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 2500.


