Project: PRJNA574129
The aim of this project was to explore the role of gut microbiota in the development of small intestine. The gut microbiota from different groups was used to treat the mice for 1 or 2 weeks. Then the small intestine samples were collected. The RNA was used for the RNA-seq analysis to search the role of gut microbiota in the development of small intestine. Groups: IMA100 mean gut microbiota from Alginate oligosaccharide 100mg/kg treated mice; IMA10 mean gut microbiota from Alginate oligosaccharide 10mg/kg treated mice; IMC mean gut microbiota from control group mice (dosed with water); Sa mean dosed with saline (no gut microbiota). "1" mean dosed for 1 week, "2" means dosed for 2 weeks. Overall design: RNA-seq of mouse small intestine samples from Fecal Microbiota Transplantation different groups treated with gut microbiota from different treatments.