Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA577104

Purpose: compare the gene expression in whole DRG of mice: A) undergone to nerve axotomy vs control condition B) pre-exposed to EE and undergone to nerve axotomy vs control condition Results: we found that EE_SNA induces transcriptional changes strongly promoting axon regeneration. We call this "Enriched Conditioning" Overall design: Method: RNA-seq from sciatic L4-L6 DRG extracted from mice housed for 10 days in Environmental Enrichment (EE) vs Standard Housing (SH). Each group of mice has either undergone SNA or sham injury, and DRG have been collected 24 hours afterwards. Pool of sciatic DRGs from 2 mice were used for each sample. DRG were collected in RNase later reagent, and crushed with RNase free micropestle for RNA extraction.
