Project: PRJNA580522
Semaphorins play critical roles in the tumorigenesis of various organs. Originally identified as neuronal axonal guidance molecules and developmental regulators of the nervous and the vascular systems, class 3 Semaphorins (SEMA3s) act through their receptors Plexin As (PLXNAs) and co-receptors Neuropilins (NRPs) to control various processes such as axon growth cone directionality, cell cycle, and angiogenesis. Deletion or silencing of SEMA3B and SEMA3F genes has been observed in lung cancer, metastatic breast cancer, renal carcinoma, and many other malignancies; however, the downstream effectors of SEMA3 in tumorigenesis are still unclear. Here we show that the Hippo pathway is a key mediator of SEMA3’s tumor suppressive function. SEMA3 activates the Hippo pathway to control gene expression and inhibit cell growth. Restoration of SEMA3B expression in lung cancer cells that harbor SEMA3B deletion or silencing suppressed anchorage-independent growth and xenograft formation in a Hippo pathway-dependent manner. Mechanistically, PLXNA promotes the interaction and activation of p190RhoGAPs (ARHGAP5 and ARHGAP35) by the RND GTPase. Activated ARHGAP5/35 in turn act through RhoA and the Hippo kinase cascade to phosphorylate and inactivate YAP and TAZ, the transcriptional co-activators and key effectors of the Hippo pathway. Cancer-associated mutations of RND or ARHGAP5/35 compromised cellular responses to SEMA3, as indicated by YAP phosphorylation and cell growth inhibition. Our study defines a new role of the Hippo pathway in SEMA3 signaling as well as a mechanism for the tumor suppressive function of Semaphorins. Overall design: The overall goal is to examine expression changes in response to class 3 Semaphorins (SEMA3s). mRNA profiles of wild type (WT), LATS1/2 dKO (KO) upon SEMA3s treatment for U87-MG cells were generated using deep sequencing with three biological replicates.