Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA614917

We have developed a modified eCLIP-based method (meCLIP) to identify m6A residues at single-nucleotide resolution. By coupling the improvements of eCLIP with an easy-to-use computational pipeline, we have successfully identified over 50,000 unique m6A residues in the two breast cancer cell lines that were analyzed (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and over 8,000 unique residues in HEK-293 cells. We compared these residues to the sites called using the currently most utilized m6A identification method (miCLIP). Overall design: m6A identification in 3 cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, and HEK-293) using modified eCLIP-based library preparation and custom analysis pipeline
