Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA625207

Drought represents a significant stress to microorganisms and is known to reduce microbial activity and organic matter decomposition in Mediterranean ecosystems. However, we lack a detailed understanding of the drought stress response of microbial decomposers. Here we present metatranscriptomic data on the physiological response of in situ microbial communities on plant litter to long-term drought in Californian grass and shrub ecosystems. Overall design: Litter was collected in summer on 30 August 2017 from all four replicated plots within a treatment and homogenized by hand-mixing. Litter bags were made by placing 6 g dry litter mass into 15 cm x15 cm bags made from 1 mm mesh window screen. Bags were deployed on 12 September 2017. An in-situ pulse wetting was performed on 30 November 2017 to simulate a discrete rainstorm of ~13 mm using previously collected rainwater. Litter bags were collected before wetting (Sampling 1) and another batch of bags was collected the following day (Sampling 2). There was no precipitation in the following days and therefore the litter dried to pre-wetting moisture levels. We collected another batch 12 days after wetting (Sampling 3). Sixteen litter bags were sampled at each time point (2 vegetation types x 2 precipitation treatments x 4 replicates). Retrieved litter bags were immediately transported to the lab at room temperature.


