Project: PRJNA628596
To analyze the biological relevance of methylation changes, gene expression from both CLBL-1 and CLBL-1 8.0, a doxorubicin-resistanct cDLBCL cell line, were examined. In total, we obtained 24.8 M and 23.7 M sequence reads for CLBL-1 and CLBL-1 8.0, respectively. After filtering out low-quality bases and reads from the datasets prior to read mapping, 19.8 M reads for CLBL-1 and 19.1 M reads for CLBL-1 8.0 were mapped to canine genome. The criteria that transcripts per million (TPM) >5 in one of sample and the log2 fold-change ≥ 0.67 or ≤ -0.67 were applied to identified differentially expressed genes. Upregulated and downregulated genes were 1127 and 602, respectively. Overall design: DNA expression profiles of CLBL-1 8.0 and CLBL-1 as control were generated by deep sequencing using Illumina Novaseq 6000.
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