Project: PRJNA734622
We analyzed the transcriptome of young ovaries by RNA sequencing (RNAseq) after germ line depletion of Sfmbt by RNAi. We determined the genomic binding sites for GFP-Sfmbt and Pho using ChIPseq. Overall design: Drosophila ovaries were dissected from 2 days old females after pupae eclosion. For RNAseq, it was used the nanos-Gal4 driver for germ line-specific expression of, respectively, UAS-mCherry RNAi (negative control) or UAS-Sfmbt RNAi (Sfmbt RNAi-1; TRiP.HMS00473). Three biological replicas were used for each condition. For Pleiohomeotic (Pho) ChIPseq, it was used anti-Pho antibodies on chromatin prepared from yw ovaries. Two biological replicas. For Sfmbt ChIPseq, it was used anti-GFP antibodies on chromatin prepared from GFP-Sfmbt or untagged control (Oregon-R) ovaries. Two biological replicas for each condition.