Project: PRJNA744237
Purpose: To explore detailed transcriptome changes during the transition from fibroblasts toward cardiac cells Methods: We performed single-cell RNA-seq on MTTFs (11,580 cells) and MTTFs treated with MAB for 6 days (12,261 cells). In MTTFs, the mean reads and mediam genes per cell were 53,107 and 5,096, respectively; In reprogrammed cells, the mean reads and medium genes per cell were 100,515 and 6,164, respectively. Result & Conclusion: Single-cell RNA-seq studies demonstrate a simultaneous reprogramming of mouse tail-tip fibroblasts (MTTFs) by MAB into CMs, Ecs and SMCs. Overall design: single-cell RNA-seq on MTTFs (11,580 cells) and MTTFs treated with MAB for 6 days