Project: PRJNA767853
In mammals, chemoperception relies on a diverse set of neuronal sensors able to detect chemicals present in the environment, and to adapt to various levels of stimulation. The contribution of endogenous and external factors to these neuronal identities remains to be determined. Taking advantage of the extensive parallel coding lines present in the olfactory system, we explored the potential variations of neuronal identities before and after olfactory experience. We found that at rest, the transcriptomic profiles of mouse olfactory sensory neuron populations are already highly divergent, specific to the olfactory receptor they express, and are surprisingly associated with the sequence of these latter. These divergent profiles further evolve in response to the environment, as odorant exposure leads to massive reprogramming via the modulation of transcription. These findings highlight a broad range of sensory neuron identities that are present at rest and that adapt to the experience of the individual, thus adding to the complexity and flexibility of sensory coding. Overall design: Unravelling odorant-induced transcriptional modulation in single OSN populations using FAC-sorting followed by bulk RNA sequencing.