Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA771390

lncRNA PVT1 is an emerging lncRNA of significance in cancer due to alterations in both the RNA and genomic locus in multiple cancers and its established relationship to the oncogene MYC. Several recent studies have documented potential important roles for the lncRNA in ovarian cancer. Herein RNA sequencing was performed to determine the impact of PVT1 on global gene expression by performing RNA sequencing in SK-OV3 cells after silencing PVT1 (siPVT1) of cells grown upon transient knockdown of the lncRNA PVT1. SK-OV3 cells were cultured to 50% confluence in 6 well plates. Pooled siRNA’s to human PVT1 or non targeting control siRNA’s from Dharmacon were used to transfect SK-OV3 cells for 48 hrs in full serum media carefully maintaining cell confluence to not exceed approximately 80%. This was followed by RNA extraction and verification of knockdown using primers to PVT1 followed by sequencing. We find that 450 protein coding genes were differentially expressed between control (siControl) and siPVT1 cells with 50 additional found to be non-protein coding. The top 50 differentially expressed genes include 12 that were downregulated by siPVT1 and 32 that were upregulated. Several pathways associated with metabolic and stress processes, ribosome biogenesis and ncRNA processing were altered based on GO pathway analysis. Additional pathways included pathways associated with cell motility and differentiation. Overall design: mRNA sequencing of human ovarian cancer (SKOV3) cells, control and PVT1 knockdown with siRNA Pooled siRNA’s to human PVT1 or scrambled control siRNA’s from Dharmacon were used to transfect SK-OV3 cells for 48 hrs followed by RNA extraction.
