Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA774327

Craniofacial and jaw bones have unique physiological specificities when compared to axial and appendicular bones. However, the molecular profile of the jaw osteoblast (OB) remains incomplete. The purpose of this study was to decipher the bone site-specific profile of transcription factors (TF) expressed in jaw osteoblasts in vivo. We accomplished this by performing RNA-seq analysis on flow-sorted osteoblasts isolated from jaw and tibial bones of 9-day-old (P9) transgenic Col1a1*2,3-GFP mice. This study demonstrated the feasibility of a new method to isolate pure OB populations and map their gene expression signature in the context of OB physiological environment, avoiding in vitro culture and its associated biases. Our results provided insights into the site-specific developmental pathways governing OB and identify new major OB regulators of bone physiology. Overall design: This dataset includes a total of 6 individual samples. This study sought to characterize in vivo the bone site-specific profile of transcription factors (TF) expressed in mandible osteoblasts (Md-OB) and compared this transcriptomic profile with TF expressed in tibia osteoblasts (Tb-OB).
