Project: PRJNA796573
Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS are lymph node-like immune cell clusters that emerge during chronic inflammation in non-lymphoid organs like the kidney, but their origin remains not well understood. Here we show, using conditional deletion strategies of the canonical Notch signaling mediator Rbpj, that loss of endothelial Notch signaling in adult mice induces the spontaneous formation of bona fide TLS in the kidney, liver and lung, based on molecular, cellular and structural criteria. These TLS form in a stereotypical manner around parenchymal arteries, while secondary lymphoid structures remained largely unchanged. This effect is mediated by endothelium of blood vessels, but not lymphatics, since a lymphatic endothelial-specific targeting strategy did not result in TLS formation, and involves loss of arterial specification and concomitant acquisition of a high endothelial cell phenotype, as shown by transcriptional analysis of kidney endothelial cells. This indicates a so far unrecognized role for vascular endothelial cells and Notch signaling in TLS initiation. Overall design: Bulk RNAseq of isolated kidney endothelial cells from mice with or without conditional endothelial-specific Rbpj deletion at 8wk of age, harvested 12wk after tamoxifen-mediated induction.