Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA848206

To assess the effects of SOX9 depletion on active chromatin marks in hESC-derived cranial neural crest cells, we performed genome editing of the H9 hESC lines to tag SOX9 with FKBPV36, V5, and mNeonGreen. Upon differentiating edited hESC to cranial neural crest cells using an established protocol, addition of the degrader molecule dTAGV-1 results in SOX9 depletion. We then profiled the active chromatin mark H3K27ac by ChIP-Seq in undepleted CNCCs or CNCCs in which SOX9 was depleted for 3h or 24h. We also titrated SOX9 to four distinct levels with dTAGV-1 and assessed SOX9 binding by V5 ChIP-seq, as well as TWIST1 and TFAP2A binding by ChIP-seq. Overall design: Genome-wide chromatin mark and TF binding profiling (H3K27ac, V5, TWIST1, TFAP2A ChIP-seq) of WT and SOX9-tagged H9 hESC-derived cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs)
