Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA850356

Generation of serotonin neurons (SNs) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) provides a promising platform to explore the mechanisms of serotonin-associated neuropsychiatric disorders. However, neural differentiation always yields heterogeneous cell populations, making it difficult to identify and purify SNs in vitro or track them in vivo following transplantation. Herein, we generated a TPH2-EGFP reporter hPSC line with insertion of EGFP into the endogenous tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) locus using CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing technology. This TPH2-reporter, which faithfully indicated TPH2 expression during differentiation, enabled us to obtain purified SNs for subsequent transcriptional analysis and study of pharmacological responses to antidepressants. In addition, the reporter system showed strong EGFP expression to indicate SNs, which enabled us to explore in vitro and ex vivo electrophysiological properties of SNs. In conclusion, this TPH2-EGFP reporter cell line might be of great significance for studies on human SN-related development and differentiation, drug screening, disease modeling, and cell replacement therapies. Overall design: Comparative gene expression profiling of RNA-seq data from cells differentiated from hESCs to human serotonin neurons at three time points (Day0 (hESCs), Day21, Day42)


