Project: PRJNA87855
PTSD - Posttraumatic stress disorder. 33 samples taken from PMBCs of survivors of psychological trauma, in two time points: in ER, few hours after the truma, and four months later. Some of the patients devepled chronic PTSD (17 samples) and others recovered and set to be the Control group (16 samples). This is the raw data consists of 12,600 probes from U95A chip. Samples are labeled with 3 tags: P/C for PTSD or Control, ER/M4 - for time point of sample, D/ND for Decrement or Non-decrement symptoms over time. (e.g. sample 23C-M4-D was taken 4 months after trauma from patient 23 which belongs to the control group and showed decrease in symptoms) . Samples include the expression value, the GeneBank accession number and Affymetrix indication of valid calls. Keywords: other