Project: PRJNA895743
Banana pseudostem weevil Odoiporous longicollis, is an economically important pest of banana (Musa spp.). It is a serious constraint predominantly for the popular Cavendish cultivars and management is highly dependent on the use of pesticides. There are certain cultivars of bananas that are resistant to this pest. However, molecular studies on interactions between the resistant cultivars with this pest are limited. Exploring an incompatible interaction would not only provide information on adequate defense mechanisms but also assist in the development of new control approaches. For the present study, the resistant cultivar Musa paradisiaca cv. Kachkal was selected, which has been reported to have resistance to Banana Pseudostem weevil in Assam (India). Identification of defense-related genes deferentially expressed during the incompatible Musa paradisiaca Odoiporous longicollis interaction will contribute towards the development of cultivars resistant to the disease.