Project: PRJNA899068
To investigate gene expression profile of human liver MAIT cells from patients with biliary atresia, we isolated human liver MAIT cells from liver tissues of patients with biliary atresia and from adjacent non-tumor liver tissues of hepatoblastoma patients (as control) at the time of diagnosis, and subjected for bulk RNA sequencing. Overall design: MAIT cells were enriched from liver mononuclear cells from adjacent non-tumor tissues of hepatoblastoma patients or liver tissues of biliary atresia patients. Vα7.2+ CD3+ MAIT cells were isolated using BV510-conjugated anti-TCRVα7.2 antibody (3C10; BioLegend) and PerCP/Cyanine5.5-conjugated anti-CD3 antibody (HIT3a; BioLegend) by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (BD Biosciences).Total RNA was extracted from sorted MAIT cells using TRIzol Reagent (Invitrogen) for subsequent RNA sequencing. Raw data not provided due to patient privacy issues.