Project: PRJNA899080
Although a conserved SAGA complex containing the histone acetyltransferase GCN5 is known to mediate histone acetylation and transcriptional activation in eukaryotes, how to maintain different levels of histone acetylation and transcription at the whole-genome level remains to be determined. Here, we identify and characterize a plant-specific GCN5-containing complex, which we term PAGA, in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryzae sativa. In Arabidopsis, the PAGA complex consists of two conserved subunits (GCN5 and ADA2A) and four plant-specific subunits (SPC, ING1, SDRL, and EAF6). Chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing indicate that PAGA and SAGA have both shared and specific target genes, and independently mediate moderate and high levels of histone acetylation, thereby promoting moderately and highly transcriptional activation, respectively. By combining RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data, we found that PAGA and SAGA antagonistically regulate histone acetylation and gene transcription. Genetically, PAGA mutations can partially rescue the developmental defects of the SAGA-specific mutant ada2b-c. Unlike SAGA, which regulates multiple biological processes, PAGA is specifically involved in plant height and branch growth by regulating the transcription of hormone biosynthesis and response related genes. These results reveal how PAGA and SAGA cooperate to regulate histone acetylation, transcription, and development. Given that the PAGA mutants show semi-dwarf and increased branching phenotypes without reduction in seed yield, the PAGA mutations could potentially be used for crop improvement. Overall design: Examination of H3K14Ac levels in wild type and four mutants