Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA916685

The gene expression profiles were measured using RNA-Seq beef heifers sampled at weaning and retrospectively classified as pregnant through artificial insemination (AI-P, n = 8) or non-pregnant (NP, n = 7). In brief, crossbred heifers (Angus-Simmental) were used in this study. At the time of weaning (~238 days after birth), blood samples (10 mL) were collected from the jugular vein into vacutainers containing EDTA. The blood was processed to extract PWBC and was stored at -80 until further processing. During the breeding season, all the heifers followed the same breeding protocol, estrus synchronization, and fixed-time artificial insemination (AI). Fourteen days following the fixed-time AI, the non-pregnant heifers were exposed to fertile bulls for 60 days. Depending on the presence or absence of conceptus at 75 days following AI, heifers were classified as pregnant to AI (AI-P), pregnant to natural breeding (P-NB) or non-pregnant (NP). Heifers that were pregnant to AI (N = 8) and non-pregnant (N = 7) were considered for the study. Total RNA was extracted from peripheral white blood cells of 15 samples (AI-P and NP) and was subjected to sequencing. The RNA-Seq data were subjected to quality control and mapped with STAR aligner to Ensemble’s ARS UCD1.2 Bos taurus reference genome. Read quantification was performed using a STAR aligner to obtain raw counts per gene. Genes with low counts were filtered out. After filtering, the read counts were analyzed using DESeq2 v 1.26.0 to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The DEGs with padj < 0.05 and absolute (log2 fold change) > 0.5 were considered significant. The NP heifers were considered as the reference group, and the DEGs up or downregulated were classified based on the log2 fold change direction. We identified 92 DEGs between AI-P and NP groups. The top pathways identified with DEGs were the immune system, cytokine production and defense response, hematopoietic cell lineage, positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process, and negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in the apoptotic process. Overall design: Peripheral white blood cell mRNA profiles from 15 Angus-Simmental crossbred heifers (AI-P = 8; NP = 7) were generated using the Illumina Nova-Seq platform. Paired-end 100 bp reads were generated for each sample.
