Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA938121

Modifications of mRNA, especially methylation of adenosine, have recently drawn much attention. The much rarer modification, 5-hydroxymethylation of cytosine (5hmC), is not well understood and is the subject of this study. Vertebrate Tet proteins are 5-methylcytosine (5mC) hydroxylases enzymes catalyzing the transition of 5mC to 5hmC in DNA and have recently been shown to have the same function in messenger RNAs in both vertebrates and in Drosophila. The Tet gene is essential in Drosophila because Tet knock-out animals do not reach adulthood. We describe the identification of Tet-target genes in the embryo and larval brain by determining Tet DNA-binding sites throughout the genome and by mapping the Tet-dependent 5hmrC modifications transcriptome-wide. 5hmrC-modified sites can be found along the entire transcript and are preferentially located at the promoter where they overlap with histone H3K4me3 peaks. The identified mRNAs are frequently involved in neuron and axon development and Tet knock-out led to a reduction of 5hmrC marks on specific mRNAs. Among the Tet-target genes were the robo2 receptor and its slit ligand that function in axon guidance in Drosophila and in vertebrates. Tet knock-out embryos show overlapping phenotypes with robo2 and are sensitized to reduced levels of slit. Both Robo2 and Slit protein levels were markedly reduced in Tet KO larval brains. Our results establish a role for Tet-dependent 5hmrC in facilitating the translation of modified mRNAs, primarily in developing nerve cells. Overall design: Chromatin immunoprecipitation DNA-sequencing (ChIP-seq) for Tet-GFP fusion protein in Drosophila melanogaster 0-12h embryo and third instar larva brain fraction (LBF, larval brain and imaginal discs).
