Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA955293

To investigate the function of long noncoding RNA lncMGC in WT and lncMGC KO mouse kidney mesangial cells treated with TGF-ß. Chromatin immunoprecipitation DNA-sequencing (ChIP-seq) for histone modication mark H3K27ac on 4 types of kidney messangial cell samples: isolated from wild type (WT) or lncMGC knockout (lncMGC_KO) mouses, each treated with either SD or TGF-ß, namely WT_SD, WT_TGF, KO_SD and KO_TGF. Overall design: Examine the H3K27ac enrichment levels based on the data from ChIP-seq at genomic regions of interests to reveal the regions' enhancer activity.


