Project: PRJNA984296
Nicotiana benthamiana was mechanically inoculated with previously infected grapevine fanleaf virus plant tissue and excavated at 4, 17, and 26 days post inoculation. Three treatments, mock control, GFLV strain wildtype GHu, and GFLV mutant strain GHu 1EPol K802G, were used to collect root tissue samples for 3 prime RNA sequencing analysis. The bottom half of roots were sectioned with sterile technique and RNA was extracted as in Roy et al. 2023. Infection status was confirmed by DAS-ELISA or RT-PCR prior to sample collection where applicable. These samples were used to understand the hypersensitive response that manifests into modified root system architecture.
References: Roy, B. G., DeBlasio, S., Yang, Y., Thannhauser, T., Heck, M., & Fuchs, M. (2023). Profiling Plant Proteome and Transcriptome Changes during Grapevine Fanleaf Virus Infection. Journal of Proteome Research, 22(6), 1997-2017.