Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA985563

Cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) exhibits numerous phenotypic and transcriptomic responses to drought. However, the ways in which these responses vary with differences in drought timing and severity are insufficiently understood. We used phenotypic and transcriptomic data to evaluate the response of sunflower to drought scenarios of different timing and severity in a common garden experiment. Using a semi-automated outdoor high-throughput phenotyping platform, we grew six oilseed sunflower lines under control and drought conditions. Our results reveal that similar transcriptomic responses can have disparate phenotypic effects when triggered at different developmental time points. Leaf transcriptomic responses, however, share similarities despite timing and severity differences (e.g., 523 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were shared across all treatments), though increased severity elicits greater differences in expression, particularly during vegetative growth. Across treatments, DEGs were highly enriched for genes related to photo- synthesis and plastid maintenance. A co-expression analysis identified a single module (M8) enriched in all drought stress treatments. Genes related to drought, temperature, proline biosynthesis, and other stress responses were overrepresented in this module. In contrast to transcriptomic responses, phenotypic responses were largely divergent between early and late drought. Early-stressed sunflowers responded to drought with reduced overall growth, but became highly water-acquisitive during recovery irrigation, resulting in overcompensation (higher aboveground biomass and leaf area) and a greater overall shift in phenotypic correlations, whereas late-stressed sunflowers were smaller and more water use-efficient. Taken together, these results suggest that drought stress at an earlier growth stage elicits a change in development that enables greater uptake and transpiration of water during recovery, resulting in higher growth rates despite similar initial transcriptomic responses.
