Project: PRJNA988473
Analysis of factors upregulated in highly aggressive 4T1 tumour cells compared to the less aggressive 4T07 tumour cells and the non-metastatic 67NR tumour cells at gene expression level. The question addressed in the present study was which metabolic pathways are differentially activated by these cells and therefore could account for the observed difference metastatic potential of these tumours. Results provide important characterisation of the ex vivo expression profiles of highly aggressive vs. non-aggressive tumour cells. 4T07 and 4T1 tumour cell data was previously published in GSE50471. Overall design: 67NR, 4T07 or 4T1 cells were inoculated into the mammary fat pad of Ub-GFP mice and total RNA from FACSorted GFP-negative; CD45-negative tumour cells was isolated.