Project: PRJNA996053
Cholestatic liver diseases are characterized by excessive accumulation of bile acids in the liver. The involvement of local tissue microenvironment in cholestatic diseases remains poorly understood. Here, we performed a comprehensive analysis of liver single-cell transcriptomic study of human cholestatic liver diseases. Our study involved 9 liver samples obtained from 7 patients diagnosed with hepatatrophia resulting from cholestasis. By utilizing single-cell data, we gained valuable insights into the specific functions of endothelial cells (EC) in response to chenodeoxycholic acid during cholestasis. The findings from our study hold the potential to lay the groundwork for personalized therapeutic approaches in the future, tailored to the individual needs of patients. Overall design: We conducted single-cell transcriptomic sequencing on liver tissue samples obtained from 7 patients diagnosed with hepatatrophia due to cholestasis. Among these patients, CLD1-CLD7 indicates cholestatic liver tissue samples. Additionally, HL1 represents the healthy liver tissue paired with the CLD5 patient, while HL2 corresponds to the paired liver tissue of the CLD6 patient.
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