Version numbers refer to the file format version. Data is released biweekly and release version is indicated by r-DATE in the downloaded file name.
Description | Download Link | Format | Column header descriptions |
All associations v1.0 |
tab separated file |
All associations v1.0.2 - with added ontology annotations, GWAS Catalog study accession numbers and genotyping technology |
tab separated file |
All studies v1.0 |
tab separated file |
All studies v1.0.2.1 - With study accession numbers, ontology annotations, genotyping technology, cohort identifiers and full summary statistics availability |
tab separated file |
All studies v1.0.3.1 - with added fields to match the unpublished downloads, including cohort identifiers and full summary statistics availability |
tab separated file |
All ancestry data v1.0 (see FAQ F1 for more details) |
tab separated file |
All ancestry data v1.0.3.1 - with added fields to match unpublished downloads (see below) (see FAQ F2 for more details) |
tab separated file |
Description | Download Link | Format | Column header descriptions |
All unpublished studies v1.0.3.1 - new format, with added cohort identifiers |
tab separated file |
All unpublished ancestries v1.0.3.1 - unpublished ancestries, new format |
tab separated file |
v1.0 indicates the columns originally proposed by the NCBI
v1.0.1 indicates the addition of ontology annotations, GWAS Catalog study accession numbers and other new columns (dismissed from 1 May 2018)
v1.0.2 indicates the addition of ontology annotations, GWAS Catalog study accession numbers and other new columns such as genotyping technology
v1.0.2.1 indicates the addition of all fields in v1.0.2, plus cohort identifiers and summary statistics availability in the studies download
v1.0.3 indicates the addition of unpublished data and additional trait information (dismissed from 1 Dec 2023)
V1.0.3.1 indicates the addition of all fields in v1.0.3, plus cohort identifiers and summary statistics availability in the studies download
eXX indicates the Ensembl release version that the data is mapped to
rYYYY-MM-DD indicates the date on which the GWAS Catalog was released
Older versions of the GWAS Catalog, with or without ontology annotations, can be found on our FTP server.
To obtain custom downloads of study and association data for a specific trait, gene, variant, genomic region or publication please access the relevant search pages and use the export option on the data tables.
A file showing all GWAS Catalog reported trait to EFO mappings, including the parent category each trait is mapped to on the diagram can be found here and on our FTP server. Note that mappings are not one-to-one, i.e. one EFO term may be mapped to several different GWAS Catalog reported traits and vice versa.
The GWAS Catalog is also available as an OWL knowledge base that can be loaded into an RDF triple store. Updates of this knowledge base were frozen on 2025-1-30. For further information, please contact
In order to work with the knowledge base, a copy of the schema ontology and of the Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) are required. For more information on our use of ontologies, see our ontology page.
CAUTION: Some of these files may be very large - attempting to open them in your browser may take a very long time. It is usually safest to right-click and choose "save as…" to download these files.
Please see the About page for citation guidance.