Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (2'-fucosyllactose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (difucosyllactose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (fucodisialyllacto-N-hexaose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (lacto-N-fucopentaose I), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (lacto-N-fucopentaose II), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (lacto-N-tetrose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (sialyl-lacto-N-tetraose b), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (3'-fucosyllactose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (3'-sialyllactose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (difucosyllacto-N-tetrose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (difucosyllacto-N-hexaose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (disialyllacto-N-hexaose), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (Sialic acid-bound), Total concentration of 19 human milk oligosaccharides, Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (Fucose-bound), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (sialyl-lacto-N-tetraose c), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (lacto-N-fucopentaose-II), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (lacto-N-fucopentaose-III), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (lacto-N-fucopentaose-I), Human milk oligosaccharide concentration (fucosyllacto-N-hexaose)
Serum levels of protein HSD17B14, Serum levels of protein FAM177A1, Serum levels of protein FAM3B, Serum levels of protein FAM3D, Serum levels of protein BPIFA2, Serum levels of protein BTNL8, Serum levels of protein SECTM1, Serum levels of protein LCT, Serum levels of protein REG1A, Serum levels of protein PIP, Serum levels of protein CLEC11A, Serum levels of protein FUT3, Serum levels of protein LHB, Serum levels of protein LPO, Serum levels of protein TCN1, Serum levels of protein SULT2A1, Serum levels of protein C6orf58, Serum levels of protein CA11, Serum levels of protein GKN2, Serum levels of protein GOLM1, Serum levels of protein PNLIPRP2, Serum total protein levels, CCL25 levels, Blood protein levels, CD20 on IgD- CD38dim B cell, CD20 on memory B cell, CD20 on unswitched memory B cell, CD20 on switched memory B cell, CD20 on IgD+ CD38- B cell, CD20 on IgD+ CD38+ B cell, CD20 on IgD- CD24- B cell, CD20 on IgD- CD27- B cell, CD20 on IgD- CD38- B cell, CD20 on CD24+ CD27+ B cell, CD20 on IgD+ CD24+ B cell, CD19 on CD20- CD38- B cell