Expression data from Arabidopsis roots and shoots grown with or without iron

Microarray 1-colour mRNA
Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana


Log2-fold change
Adjusted p-value


Selected: 8 / 8

Initially showing:

  • Comparison name: all
  • Compound: all
  • Genotype: all
  • Organism part: all
Showing 50 of 1,382 genes found:

Click on a cell to open the selected genome browser with attached tracks if available

Log2-fold change
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0'bhlh100/101 doublemutant' vs 'wild type' in'iron; 100 micromolar;root''bhlh100/101 doublemutant' vs 'wild type' in'iron; 100 micromolar;shoot''bhlh100/101 doublemutant' vs 'wild type' in'none; root''bhlh100/101 doublemutant' vs 'wild type' in'none; shoot''iron; 100 micromolar' vs'none' in 'bhlh100/101double mutant; root''iron; 100 micromolar' vs'none' in 'bhlh100/101double mutant; shoot''iron; 100 micromolar' vs'none' in 'wild type; root''iron; 100 micromolar' vs'none' in 'wild type; shoot'
FOX1 261021_atBGLU28 267389_atBCA3 265170_atRAB18 247095_atZAT11 266010_atHSP21 253884_atAT5G59680 247685_atAT4G16260 245393_atPPA3 266765_atAT5G39520 249454_atGSTU8 259040_atAT3G19550 256569_atAT2G21210 264014_atGPT2 264400_atOCT1 260097_atGGCT2;1 246884_atERF018 262211_atBGLU42 249636_atAT5G26200 246854_atPERK4 265923_atAT3G13672 256789_atWAKL10 261394_atPER65 248822_atAT5G62360 247478_atCYP81D11 256589_atTZF5 249065_atCAD8 252984_atBGL2 251625_atCLPB1 260248_atAT1G05710 263179_atWRKY22 255568_atAT3G21080 256969_atAT5G22580 249894_atADF11 261562_atUBC24 267456_atATL72 258757_atSRO2 257401_atPGL5 249732_atWRKY60 263536_atSBT4.12 247755_atCDC48D 251975_atMES9 246272_atTIN1 247293_atAT2G38600 266403_atFKBP65 248657_atMGD3 263391_atAT4G34950 253215_atMHF1 248481_atChlADR2 258815_atAT3G48450 252364_at