Expression profiling of Col-0 and rps2 treated with Psm:AvrRpt2

Microarray 1-colour mRNA
Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana


Log2-fold change
Adjusted p-value


Selected: 4 / 4

Initially showing:

  • Comparison name: all
  • Genotype: all
  • Infect: all
  • Time: all
Showing 50 of 8,155 genes found:

Click on a cell to open the selected genome browser with attached tracks if available

Log2-fold change
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0''Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola carryingAvrRpt2; 10 hour' vs 'none; 0 hour' in 'wild typegenotype'''Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola carryingAvrRpt2; 6 hour' vs 'none; 0 hour' in 'wild typegenotype''rps2 mutant' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'Pseudomonassyringae pv. maculicola carrying AvrRpt2' at '10 hour''rps2 mutant' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'none' at '0hour'
COR27 249174_atAT1G80160 262047_atBSMT1 259286_atCOL2 258497_atAZF1 246993_atERF003 246932_atAT5G02540 251013_atHNL 250483_atCOL9 259244_atJMT 261150_atAT4G16146 245319_atAT4G16880 245450_atRVE1 250099_atCYP19-2 264019_atRALFL34 247037_atBXL2 260914_atAVT6C 251722_atLHY 261569_atAT5G28630 246108_atDGAT1 267280_atAT4G10390 254996_atSGT1A 254211_atBIC2 252661_atDTX37 264289_atERF13 266821_atLNK3 256266_atAT2G41250 266363_atCRK21 254250_atAT4G05030 255254_atAtMYB47 261431_atAT5G54170 248199_atAPK2 252870_atPKS4 245696_atMES7 267123_atAT2G23840 266572_atPAP8 263595_atBAM9 250007_atAT2G39420 266977_atAPRR1 247525_atSOT17 255773_atCYP71B26 257628_atBGLU16 251427_atAT2G36690 265208_atAT4G29700 253697_atBEE3 260070_atCLC-B 256751_atHFR1 259417_atAT3G07350 259015_atAT4G33150 253373_atLECRK11 252596_at