Transcription profiling by array of Drosophila melanogaster mushroom bodies to gain insight into cellular properties of mushroom body neurons

Microarray 1-colour mRNA
Organism: Drosophila melanogaster


Log2-fold change
Adjusted p-value


Selected: 3 / 3

Initially showing:

  • Comparison name: all
  • Cell type: all
  • Genotype: all
Showing 50 of 2,159 genes found:

Click on a cell to open the selected genome browser with attached tracks if available

Log2-fold change
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0'mushroom body alpha'/beta' neuron' vs 'non-mushroom body neuron''mushroom body alpha/beta neuron' vs 'non-mushroom body neuron''mushroom body gamma neuron' vs 'non-mushroom body neuron'
Eaat1 1641104_s_atsosie 1641738_a_atAcbp2 1625572_s_atRad23 1625068_a_atCG2021 1640053_atGstS1 1623957_s_atTsp5D 1631285_atjagn 1640445_atPdh 1639269_a_atCG14683 1636551_atmEFTu1 1623588_atND-19 1634417_s_atCG33978 1632898_atMpcp2 1637525_s_atCG10550 1639660_s_atDhit 1628083_atCDase 1639396_s_atTsp42Ea 1630145_s_atCG1648 1634935_a_atTwdlG 1630596_atl(1)10Bb 1639060_atCG1545 1639176_atCG31676 1630255_atSyx6 1639075_a_atphtf 1641378_atTRAM 1635491_s_atCG13603 1630414_atCG1635 1639484_atCG13920 1628678_atCG14977 1635588_atdrpr 1638953_a_atRpn7 1633594_atVps29 1629155_atblanks 1626606_atCCT3 1634782_s_atBlos1 1630798_atCG9919 1626619_atDip-C 1640743_ategh 1631621_s_atVap33 1631868_atdj 1627959_a_atCpr49Ae 1623558_atCG11722 1639725_atbcn92 1630672_atTM9SF4 1628509_atCG17883 1623591_a_atPi4KIIIalpha 1631334_atTsc1 1640930_atCG31650 1628422_s_atCG11980 1637597_a_at