Transcription profiling by array of intestinal tissue from Drosophila w1118 and p38c null mutation flies
Microarray 1-colour mRNA
Drosophila melanogaster
Array Design(s):
Affymetrix GeneChip Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array [Drosophila_2]
- Chakrabarti S, Poidevin M, Lemaitre B. (2014) The Drosophila MAPK p38c regulates oxidative stress and lipid homeostasis in the intestine.
Log2-fold change
Adjusted p-value
Selected: 1 / 1
Initially showing:
- Genotype: all
- Strain: all
Showing 50 of 268 genes found:
Click on a cell to open the selected genome browser with attached tracks if available
Log2-fold change
lambdaTry 1630241_atJon44E 1639364_atLysX 1632720_atepsilonTry 1637492_atCG11893 1635512_atUgt49B1 1630066_atCG9360 1624688_atGstE1 1623256_atCG8768 1636431_atCG9825 1629164_atlectin-24A 1637857_atCG13325 1625235_atAttD 1631475_atCda9 1638629_atCG15263 1626435_atCG14495 1636005_atGstE2 1641429_atCG4650 1635306_atbetaTry 1630320_atCrys 1623757_atCG43074 1625336_s_atCG4835 1633214_atCG31681 1627162_atCG43090 1636215_atCG7567 1631369_atUro 1625436_atJon66Ci 1625538_atCG32368 1636566_atSend1 1627542_atTry29F 1636611_atObp99b 1623675_atUgt49C1 1625873_atCG9897 1640407_atCG7017 1623981_atCG2064 1634019_atCG33346 1630555_atCG30090 1636154_atMal-B1 1638508_atmwh 1638492_atCG43064 1630700_atCG6967 1626228_a_atdhd 1636303_attum 1634690_atCG14879 1630938_a_atCG30265 1625077_atp38c 1631486_atasRNA:CR45009 1633377_atCG32379 1628355_atCG15818 1637095_atLysP 1636767_at